Esta é como Santa María guareceu en Tocha, que é cabo Madride, un meninno que tiínna ũa espiga de triígo no ventre.
Line | Refrain | Metrics | |
1 | Tant' aos pecadores a Virgen val de grado, | 6' | 6' A|
2 | per que séu santo nome seer mui loado. dev' a †CSM 315:2From the single overlaid punctum .o in [E], synaeresis in seer is very clearly intended. | 6' | 6' A.o |
Stanza I | |||
3 | E daquesto avẽo miragre mui fremoso | 6' | 6' b|
4 | que fez Santa María, e d' oír saboroso, | 6' | 6' b|
5 | cabo Madrid' en Tocha, logar religïoso, | 6' | 6' b|
6 | que vos contarei óra, se me for ascuitado. | 6' | 6' A|
Tant' aos pecadores a Virgen val de grado... | |||
Stanza II | |||
7 | En ũ' aldea préto de Madride morava †CSM 315:7Elision of ũa before a- is fairly common—e.g. ũ' aldea in CSM 215:16 and 351:5, ũ' arca in CSM 148:7 and 362:10, and elsewhere—so I have used it here in preference to marking synalepha on a single punctum. | 6' | 6' b|
8 | ũa mollér mesquinna, e séu fillo crïava | 6' | 6' b|
9 | que havía pequeno, que mais ca si amava, | 6' | 6' b|
10 | que a perder houvéra, se non fosse guardado | 6' | 6' A|
Cantigas de Santa Maria for Singers ©2013 by Andrew Casson | |||
Stanza III | |||
11 | pola Virgen bẽeita, de como vos diremos. | 6' | 6' b|
12 | Ca aquela mesquinna foi, en com' aprendemos, | 6' | 6' b|
13 | a espigar con outras e, com' oíd' havemos, | 6' | 6' b|
14 | séu fill', aquel meninno, en braç' houve levado. | 6' | 6' A|
Tant' aos pecadores a Virgen val de grado... | |||
Stanza IV | |||
15 | E quand' entrou na messe ⌧ outras espigavan, u †CSM 315:15Synalepha in the original u as here would be awkward, leaving the compressed syllable on just a single semibreve .e. Instead I have opted to drop the unnecessary word as, following [JMMS]. A plausible alternative would be to drop the initial vowel of espigavan and pronounce the two s's as one: u as outras'spigavan. | 6' | 6' b|
16 | agarimou o moço a feixes que estavan | 6' | 6' b|
17 | feitos d' espigas muitas, que todos apannavan, | 6' | 6' b|
18 | e a Santa María o houv' acomendado | 6' | 6' A|
Stanza V | |||
19 | que llo guardass'. E lógo o meninno achada | 6' | 6' b|
20 | houv' ũa grand' espiga de grãos carregada | 6' | 6' b|
21 | de triígo, que na boca meteu e que passada †CSM 315:21Synaeresis in triígo works well musically, as trii- gets a descending plica .ron. Note also that the shorter variant trigo appears in CSM 112:9. | 6' | 6' b.ron |
22 | a houve muit' aginna; onde pois foi coitado | 6' | 6' A|
Cantigas de Santa Maria for Singers ©2013 by Andrew Casson | |||
Stanza VI | |||
23 | tan muito, que o ventre lle creceu sen mesura. | 6' | 6' b|
24 | Quand' esto viu a madre, houv' ên tan gran rancura, | 6' | 6' b|
25 | porque cuidou que éra mórto per sa ventura | 6' | 6' b|
26 | maa; e a Madride o levou muit' inchado. | 6' | 6' A|
Tant' aos pecadores a Virgen val de grado... | |||
Stanza VII | |||
27 | E cuidando que éra nna aquel feito de poço | 6' | 6' b.ron |
28 | de coovr' ou d' aranna, ca sól seer tal preito, | 6' | 6' b|
29 | teve-o muitos días assí atán maltreito, | 6' | 6' b|
30 | que sempre sospeitava que morress' afogado. | 6' | 6' A|
Tant' aos pecadores a Virgen val de grado... | |||
Stanza VIII | |||
31 | E mentr' assí estava, déron-lle por conssello | 6' | 6' b|
32 | que a Santa María, que éste nóss' espello, | 6' | 6' b|
33 | de Tocha o levasse, e esto per concello, | 6' | 6' b|
34 | ca Déus i mostraría miragre sinaado. | 6' | 6' A|
Tant' aos pecadores a Virgen val de grado... | |||
Cantigas de Santa Maria for Singers ©2013 by Andrew Casson | |||
Stanza IX | |||
35 | A mollér fillou lógo séu fill' e foi correndo | 6' | 6' b|
36 | con el, chorando muito, braadand' e dizendo: | 6' | 6' b|
37 | “Virgen Santa María, e entendo, com' éu creo †CSM 315:37Synalepha in e entendo also comes out well, with the combined metrical syllable e en- also falling on a plica .ron. | 6' | 6' b.ron |
38 | sãar pódes méu fillo sen tempo alongado.” | 6' | 6' A|
Tant' aos pecadores a Virgen val de grado... | |||
Stanza X | |||
39 | Quando foi na eigreja, o meninno fillaron | 6' | 6' b|
40 | ela e sas vezinnas e lógo o deitaron | 6' | 6' b|
41 | ant' o altar, e lógo todo o desnüaron | 6' | 6' b|
42 | por veer se parara algur bic' ou furado. | 6' | 6' A|
Tant' aos pecadores a Virgen val de grado... | |||
Stanza XI | |||
43 | O moço desnüando, cataron e cousiron | 6' | 6' b|
44 | com' éra tod' inchado; ïs non lle sentiron ma†CSM 315:44Diaeresis in mais also occurs in CSM 192:37 and 192:69. | 6' | 6' b.o |
45 | senôn que a espiga lógo lla saír viron | 6' | 6' b|
46 | tod' enteira e sãa pelo sẽéstro lado. | 6' | 6' A|
Tant' aos pecadores a Virgen val de grado... | |||
Cantigas de Santa Maria for Singers ©2013 by Andrew Casson | |||
Stanza XII | |||
47 | Quand' esto viu a gente, déron todos loores | 6' | 6' b|
48 | a Déus e a sa Madre, a Sennor das sennores, | 6' | 6' b|
49 | que faz taes miragres e outros mui maiores; | 6' | 6' b|
50 | e porend' o séu nome seja grorificado. | 6' | 6' A|
Tant' aos pecadores a Virgen val de grado... | |||
This cantiga has a little bit of everything in terms of metrical fixes: synaeresis, elision, deletion, synalepha and diaeresis. See the specific line notes below.
Line 2: | From the single overlaid punctum .o in [E], synaeresis in seer is very clearly intended. |
Line 7: | Elision of ũa before a- is fairly common—e.g. ũ' aldea in CSM 215:16 and 351:5, ũ' arca in CSM 148:7 and 362:10, and elsewhere—so I have used it here in preference to marking synalepha on a single punctum. |
Line 15: | Synalepha in the original u as here would be awkward, leaving the compressed syllable on just a single semibreve .e. Instead I have opted to drop the unnecessary word as, following [JMMS]. A plausible alternative would be to drop the initial vowel of espigavan and pronounce the two s's as one: u as outras'spigavan. |
Line 21: | Synaeresis in triígo works well musically, as trii- gets a descending plica .ron. Note also that the shorter variant trigo appears in CSM 112:9. |
Line 37: | Synalepha in e entendo also comes out well, with the combined metrical syllable e en- also falling on a plica .ron. |
Line 44: |
Manuscript references
External links marked are to facsimiles on Greg Lindahl's Cantigas de Santa Maria website.
[E] | 315 | view link |
Oxford CSM Database record
External link to poem data: CSM 315
Links to the Oxford database are provided with the kind permission of the project team. When planning a concert or recording, I would recommend that you use (and credit) my more pragmatic texts and supporting materials in the preparation of your performance, but that you request permission from the Oxford database team to reproduce (and credit) their own critically edited texts in your programme or liner notes, as these adhere to stricter criteria that keep them closer to the original sources, and undoubtedly have the greater academic authority.
Metrical summary
6' | 6' 6' | 6' |
6' | 6' 6' | 6' 6' | 6' 6' | 6' |
AA / bbbAR | I | II | III | IV | V | VI | VII | VIII | IX | X | XI | XII | |
A | ado | ||||||||||||
b | ozo | aβa | emos | aβaŋ | ada | uɾa | ei̯to | eʎo | endo | aɾoŋ | iɾoŋ | oɾes |
Estimated performance times
Average syllables / min. | Time | |
Very slow | 50 | 20:43 |
Slow | 100 | 10:21 |
Medium | 150 | 6:54 |
Fast | 200 | 5:10 |
Very fast | 250 | 4:08 |
These are very approximate total times for a full sung (or spoken) performance of all stanzas with all repeats of the refrain. Note that the speed is in average syllables per minute, and no particular mensural interpretation is assumed. More ornamented music will reduce the syllabic speed considerably. Remember also to add time for instrumental preludes, interludes and postludes.
Total syllables: 1036