Como Santa María guardou a alma dun hóme bõo que se non perdesse, ca o havían escabeçado ladrões, e fez que se juntassen o córpo e a tésta e se maenfestasse.
Line | Refrain | Metrics | |
1 | Atal Sennor | 4 A | |
2 | é bõa que faz salvá-lo pecador. | 11 A | |
Stanza I | |||
3 | Aquesto digu' éu por Santa María, | 10' b | |
4 | a que muito pesa de quen folía | 10' b | |
5 | faz, e que maneira busca e vía | 10' b | |
6 | que non cáia hóme dun érr' en peior. | 11 A | |
Atal Sennor... | |||
Stanza II | |||
7 | Dest' un miragre vos darei recado, | 10' b | |
8 | que a Virgen fez fremos' e preçado; | 10' b | |
9 | e se éu podér, per mi vos mostrado | 10' b | |
10 | será, por que hajades dele sabor. | 11 A | |
Atal Sennor... | |||
Cantigas de Santa Maria for Singers ©2013 by Andrew Casson | |||
Stanza III | |||
11 | Esto foi dun hóme que feit' houvéra | 10' b | |
12 | prazer aa Virgen quant' el podéra; | 10' b | |
13 | mais pẽedença prender non quiséra | 10' b | |
14 | per conssello do démo enganador. | 11 A | |
Atal Sennor... | |||
Stanza IV | |||
15 | El assí andand', un día passava | 10' b | |
16 | per un gran mont' u companna estava | 10' b | |
17 | de ladrões con ũu que andava | 10' b | |
18 | con eles, que éra de todos maior. | 11 A | |
Atal Sennor... | |||
Stanza V | |||
19 | E quand' est' hóme viron, se leixaron | 10' b | |
20 | correr lóg' a el; e poi-lo fillaron | 10' b | |
21 | fóra do caminn', o escabeçaron | 10' b | |
22 | por mandado daquel mao roubador. | 11 A | |
Atal Sennor... | |||
Cantigas de Santa Maria for Singers ©2013 by Andrew Casson | |||
Stanza VI | |||
23 | Dalí fogiron poi-lo feit' houvéron. | 10' b | |
24 | E a quarto día per i vẽéron | 10' b | |
25 | dous frades mẽores, e vózes déron | 10' b | |
26 | o córp' e a tésta, ond' eles pavor | 11 A | |
Stanza VII | |||
27 | houvéron; e meteron ben femença | 10' b | |
28 | com' as vózes dizían: “Pẽedença | 10' b | |
29 | nos dade, por Déus e por sa creença, | 10' b | |
30 | por que non soframos pẽa nen door.” | 11 A | |
Atal Sennor... | |||
Stanza VIII | |||
31 | Primeir' os frades foron espantados | 10' b | |
32 | do que oíron; mas pois acordados | 10' b | |
33 | foron, a tést' e o córpo juntados | 10' b | |
34 | viron, e disséron: “Polo Salvador, | 11 A | |
Cantigas de Santa Maria for Singers ©2013 by Andrew Casson | |||
Stanza IX | |||
35 | vós, córp' e tésta, por Déus conjuramos | 10' b | |
36 | que per vós desto verdade sabiamos.” | 10' b | |
37 | Respôs a cabeça: “Ja outorgamos | 10' b | |
38 | per que cada un seja ên sabedor †CSM 96:38Mettmann ũu; [T] un; [E] ũu. | 11 A | |
Stanza X | |||
39 | de vós.” E contou como o mataran | 10' b | |
40 | e come dïabres a alma cuidaran †CSM 96:40Mettmann alma; [T] a alma; [E] alma (possibly with a small a inserted later into the preceding space, though this is unclear from Anglés' facsimile). In effect, [E] has the definite article a elided out of existence, as indeed Mettmann observes in a footnote. But [T] keeps it, and it is syntactically necessary, so I have used this form and marked the required synalepha. | 10' b | .on |
41 | levar que sen confissôn lle acharan. †CSM 96:41Mettmann notes that [E] has lacharan here, and [T] llacharã. Presumably he intended to replace these with lle acharan to fix the metre—but in the end accidently omitted the lle. | 10' b | |
42 | “Mas non quis a Virgen, das outras mellor, | 11 A | |
Stanza XI | |||
43 | que per nulla ren o démo levasse | 10' b | |
44 | mia alma, mais que a tésta tornasse | 10' b | |
45 | a méu córpo, e que me confessasse; | 10' b | |
46 | e ela des i foi mia aguardador.” | 11 A | |
Atal Sennor... | |||
Cantigas de Santa Maria for Singers ©2013 by Andrew Casson | |||
Stanza XII | |||
47 | Quand' est' oíron, lógo mantenente | 10' b | |
48 | fezéron os frades vĩir gran gente, | 10' b | |
49 | e confessou-se verdadeiramente | 10' b | |
50 | ant' eles e disse: “Amigos, se for | 11 A | |
Stanza XIII | |||
51 | vósso prazer, rógo-vos que roguedes | 10' b | |
52 | a Déus por mi e me ll' acomendedes, | 10' b | |
53 | ca bẽes aquí vós me veeredes | 10' b | |
54 | agora jazer mórto e sen coor.” †CSM 96:54Mettmann is true to [E] and [T] in this line, but it has a missing syllable and no scope for diaeresis to create one. In the absence of any other hints I suggest replacing óra (= "now") with its longer synonym agora to make up the shortfall. | 11 A | |
Atal Sennor... | |||
Stanza XIV | |||
55 | Bẽes assí com' el disse foi feito | 10' b | |
56 | e o séu córpo tan tóste desfeito; | 10' b | |
57 | e os hómees, pois viron tal preito, | 10' b | |
58 | aa Virgen déron porên gran loor. | 11 A | |
Atal Sennor... | |||
Cantigas de Santa Maria for Singers ©2013 by Andrew Casson | |||
Line 38: | |
Line 40: | Mettmann alma; [T] a alma; [E] alma (possibly with a small a inserted later into the preceding space, though this is unclear from Anglés' facsimile). In effect, [E] has the definite article a elided out of existence, as indeed Mettmann observes in a footnote. But [T] keeps it, and it is syntactically necessary, so I have used this form and marked the required synalepha. |
Line 41: | Mettmann notes that [E] has lacharan here, and [T] llacharã. Presumably he intended to replace these with lle acharan to fix the metre—but in the end accidently omitted the lle. |
Line 54: | Mettmann is true to [E] and [T] in this line, but it has a missing syllable and no scope for diaeresis to create one. In the absence of any other hints I suggest replacing óra (= "now") with its longer synonym agora to make up the shortfall. |
Manuscript references
External links marked are to facsimiles on Greg Lindahl's Cantigas de Santa Maria website.
[E] | 96 | view link |
[T] | 96 |
Oxford CSM Database record
External link to poem data: CSM 96
Links to the Oxford database are provided with the kind permission of the project team. When planning a concert or recording, I would recommend that you use (and credit) my more pragmatic texts and supporting materials in the preparation of your performance, but that you request permission from the Oxford database team to reproduce (and credit) their own critically edited texts in your programme or liner notes, as these adhere to stricter criteria that keep them closer to the original sources, and undoubtedly have the greater academic authority.
Metrical summary
4 11 |
10' 10' 10' 11 |
AA / bbbAR | I | II | III | IV | V | VI | VII | VIII | IX | X | XI | XII | XIII | XIV | |
A | oɾ | ||||||||||||||
b | i.a | ado | ɛɾa | aβa | aɾoŋ | ɛɾoŋ | enʦa | ados | amos | aɾaŋ | ase | ente | edes | ei̯to |
Estimated performance times
Average syllables / min. | Time | |
Very slow | 50 | 16:49 |
Slow | 100 | 8:24 |
Medium | 150 | 5:36 |
Fast | 200 | 4:12 |
Very fast | 250 | 3:21 |
These are very approximate total times for a full sung (or spoken) performance of all stanzas with all repeats of the refrain. Note that the speed is in average syllables per minute, and no particular mensural interpretation is assumed. More ornamented music will reduce the syllabic speed considerably. Remember also to add time for instrumental preludes, interludes and postludes.
Total syllables: 841