CSM Cantiga 98 Lyrics: Non dev' a Santa María mercee pedir

Standard spelling
Non dev' a Santa María mercee pedir
Cantiga 98: Non dev' a Santa María mercee pedir
Please read the notes on using the texts and the IPA transcriptions Please read the notes on using the music transcriptions
Standard spelling

Como ũa mollér quis entrar en Santa María de Valverde e non pude abrir as pórtas atẽen que se mãefestou.

Line Refrain  Metrics  
1 Non dev' a Santa María | mercee pedir 7' | 5  A
2 aquel que de séus pecados | non se repentir. 7' | 5  A
  Stanza I     
3 Desto direi un miragre | que contar oí 7' | 5  b
4 a hómees e molléres | que estavan i, 7' | 5  b
5 de como Santa María | desdennou assí 7' | 5  b
6 ante todos ũa dona | que fora falir. 7' | 5  A
  Non dev' a Santa María | mercee pedir...    
  Stanza II     
7 E o falimento fora | grand' e sen razôn; 7' | 5  b
8 e porque s' ên non doía | en séu coraçôn, 7' | 5  b
9 pero a Santa María | foi pedir entôn 7' | 5  b
10 que entrass' en sa eigreja, | non quis consentir. 7' | 5  A
  Non dev' a Santa María | mercee pedir...    
Cantigas de Santa Maria for Singers ©2013 by Andrew Casson
  Stanza III     
11 Aquesto foi en Valverde, | cabo Monpislér, 7' | 5  b
12 u faz a Virgen miragres | grandes quando quér, 7' | 5  b
13 u vẽo aquesta dona, | mui póbre mollér, 7' | 5  b
14 por entrar ena eigreja; | mas non pod' abrir 7' | 5  A
  Stanza IV     
15 as pórtas per nulla guisa | que podéss' entrar; 7' | 5  b
16 e entravan i os outros, | dous e tres a par. 7' | 5  b
17 Quand' aquesto viu a dona, | fillou-s' a chorar 7' | 5  b
18 e con coita a cativa | sas faces carpir, 7' | 5  A
  Stanza V     
19 dizendo: “Santa María, | tu, Madre de Déus, 7' | 5  b
20 mui mais son as tas mercees | que pecados méus; 7' | 5  b
21 e fas-me, Sennor, que seja | éu dos sérvos téus 7' | 5  b
22 e que entre na eigreja | tas hóras oír.” 7' | 5  A
  Non dev' a Santa María | mercee pedir...    
Cantigas de Santa Maria for Singers ©2013 by Andrew Casson
  Stanza VI     
23 Pois que aquest' houve dit' e | se mãefestou 7' | 5  b
24 e do mal que feit' havía | muito lle pesou, 7' | 5  b
25 entôn as pórtas abértas | viu, e lógu' entrou 7' | 5  b
26 na eigreja muit' aginna. | E esto gracir 7' | 5  A
  Stanza VII     
27 foi ela e muita gente | que aquesto viu. 7' | 5  b
28 E sempr' ela en sa vida | a Virgen serviu 7' | 5  b
29 e nunca des aquel' hóra | dalí se partiu, 7' | 5  b
30 ante punnou todavía | d' a Virgen servir. 7' | 5  A
  Non dev' a Santa María | mercee pedir...    
Standard spelling  



This phrase is notated a third (one stave line) too low in [E].


Unusually, there is a whole blank 5-line stave in the manuscript before this full reprise of the refrain.

Manuscript references

External links marked are to facsimiles on Greg Lindahl's Cantigas de Santa Maria website.

[E]98viewhttp://www.pbm.com/~lindahl/cantigas/facsimiles/E/215small.htmlExternal link
[To]94viewhttp://www.pbm.com/~lindahl/cantigas/facsimiles/To/bob083small.gifExternal link

Oxford CSM Database record

External link to poem data:  CSM 98http://csm.mml.ox.ac.uk/index.php?p=poemdata_view&rec=98

Links to the Oxford database are provided with the kind permission of the project team. When planning a concert or recording, I would recommend that you use (and credit) my more pragmatic texts and supporting materials in the preparation of your performance, but that you request permission from the Oxford database team to reproduce (and credit) their own critically edited texts in your programme or liner notes, as these adhere to stricter criteria that keep them closer to the original sources, and undoubtedly have the greater academic authority.

Metrical summary


7' | 5  7' | 5


7' | 5  7' | 5  7' | 5  7' | 5


AA / bbbA
b iɛɾɛu̯sou̯iu̯

Estimated performance times

Average syllables / min. Time
Very slow5011:26
Very fast2502:17

These are very approximate total times for a full sung (or spoken) performance of all stanzas with all repeats of the refrain. Note that the speed is in average syllables per minute, and no particular mensural interpretation is assumed. More ornamented music will reduce the syllabic speed considerably. Remember also to add time for instrumental preludes, interludes and postludes.

Total syllables: 572