Como Santa María levou a alma dun frade que pintou o séu nome de tres coores.
Line | Refrain | Metrics | |
1 | A que por mui gran fremosura éste chamada Fror das frores, | 8' | 8' A|
2 | mui mais lle praz quando lle loan séu nome que d' outras loores. | 8' | 8' A|
Stanza I | |||
3 | Desto direi un miragre, segundo me foi contado, | 7' | 7' b|
4 | que avẽo a un monge bõo e ben ordinnado | 7' | 7' b|
5 | ⌧ que as hóras desta Virgen dizía de mui bon grado, †CSM 384:5See the main footnote to this cantiga. | 7' | 7' b|
6 | e maior sabor havía desto que d' outras sabores. | 7' | 7' A|
A que por mui gran fremosura éste chamada Fror das frores... | |||
Stanza II | |||
7 | Este mui bon clérigu' éra e mui de grado liía †CSM 384:7Compare CSM 65:7 and the many instances of the alternative form crérig' (see the Concordance). | 7' | 7' b|
8 | nas Vidas dos Santos Padres e ar mui ben escrivía; | 7' | 7' b|
9 | mais u quér que el achava nome de Santa María | 7' | 7' b|
10 | fazía-o mui fremoso escrito con tres colores. | 7' | 7' A|
A que por mui gran fremosura éste chamada Fror das frores... | |||
Cantigas de Santa Maria for Singers ©2013 by Andrew Casson | |||
Stanza III | |||
11 | A primeira éra ouro, coor rica e fremosa | 7' | 7' b|
12 | a semellante da Virgen nóbre e mui precïosa; | 7' | 7' b|
13 | e a outra d' azur éra, coor mui maravillosa | 7' | 7' b|
14 | que ao céo semella quand' é con sas esplandores. | 7' | 7' A|
A que por mui gran fremosura éste chamada Fror das frores... | |||
Stanza IV | |||
15 | A terceira chaman rósa, porque é coor vermella; | 7' | 7' b|
16 | onde cada ũa destas coores mui ben semella | 7' | 7' b|
17 | aa Virgen que é rica, mui santa, e que parella | 7' | 7' b|
18 | nunca houv' en fremosura, ar é mellor das mellores. | 7' | 7' A|
A que por mui gran fremosura éste chamada Fror das frores... | |||
Stanza V | |||
19 | Ond' aqueste nome santo o monge tragía sigo | 7' | 7' b|
20 | da Virgen Santa María, de que éra muit' amigo, | 7' | 7' b|
21 | beijando-o ameúde por vencer o ẽemigo | 7' | 7' b|
22 | dïabo que sempre punna de nos meter en errores. | 7' | 7' A|
A que por mui gran fremosura éste chamada Fror das frores... | |||
Cantigas de Santa Maria for Singers ©2013 by Andrew Casson | |||
Stanza VI | |||
23 | Onde foi ũa vegada que jazía mui doente | 7' | 7' b|
24 | dũa grand' enfermidade, de que éra en possente; | 7' | 7' b|
25 | e pero assí jazía, viínna-lle sempre a mente †CSM 384:25It is rather hard to choose between synaeresis in viínna and elision of sempre to resolve the surplus syllable here; neither would be remarkable in a different context. I've chosen the synaeresis, though, if only because the scribe could easily have written sempr if that had been intended. | 7' | 7' b.o |
26 | de seer da Virgen santa un dos séus mais loadores. | 7' | 7' A|
A que por mui gran fremosura éste chamada Fror das frores... | |||
Stanza VII | |||
27 | O abade e os monges todos veer-o vẽéron, | 7' | 7' b|
28 | e poi-lo viron maltreito, un frade con el poséron | 7' | 7' b|
29 | que lle tevésse companna; e pois alí estevéron | 7' | 7' b|
30 | un pouco, foron-se lógo. Mais a Sennor das sennores | 7' | 7' A|
Stanza VIII | |||
31 | apareceu ao frade que o guardav', en dormindo, | 7' | 7' b|
32 | e viü que ao leito se chegava passo indo, | 7' | 7' b.bowa |
33 | e dizía-lle: “Non temas, ca te farei ir sobindo | 7' | 7' b|
34 | mig' óra a paraíso, u veerás os maiores. | 7' | 7' A|
A que por mui gran fremosura éste chamada Fror das frores... | |||
Cantigas de Santa Maria for Singers ©2013 by Andrew Casson | |||
Stanza IX | |||
35 | Ca por quanto tu pintavas méu nome de tres pinturas, | 7' | 7' b|
36 | levar-t-ei suso ao céo, u verás as aposturas, | 7' | 7' b.o |
37 | e eno Livro da Vida escrit' ontr' as escrituras | 7' | 7' b|
38 | serás ontr' os que non mórren, nen han coitas nen doores.” | 7' | 7' A|
A que por mui gran fremosura éste chamada Fror das frores... | |||
Stanza X | |||
39 | Entôn levou del a alma sigo a Santa Reínna. | 7' | 7' b|
40 | E o frad' espertou lógo e foi ao leit' aginna; | 7' | 7' b|
41 | e pois que o achou mórto, fez sõar a campaínna | 7' | 7' b|
42 | segund' estableçud' éra polos séus santos doctores. | 7' | 7' A|
A que por mui gran fremosura éste chamada Fror das frores... | |||
Stanza XI | |||
43 | Mantenente o abade chegou i cono convento, | 7' | 7' b|
44 | que éran i de companna ben oiteenta ou cento; | 7' | 7' b|
45 | e aquel monge lles disse: “Sennores, por cousimento | 7' | 7' b|
46 | o que vi vos direi todo, se m' ên fordes oïdores.” | 7' | 7' A|
A que por mui gran fremosura éste chamada Fror das frores... | |||
Cantigas de Santa Maria for Singers ©2013 by Andrew Casson | |||
Stanza XII | |||
47 | Entôn contou o que vira, segundo vos hei ja dito; | 7' | 7' b|
48 | e o abade tan tóste o fez meter en escrito | 7' | 7' b|
49 | pera destrüír as óbras do ẽemigo maldito, | 7' | 7' b|
50 | que nos quér levar a lógo u sempr' hajamos pavores. | 7' | 7' A|
A que por mui gran fremosura éste chamada Fror das frores... | |||
Stanza XIII | |||
51 | E pois soubéron o feito, loaron de voontade | 7' | 7' b|
52 | a Virgen Santa María, a Sennor de pïedade; | 7' | 7' b|
53 | e se en algũa cousa ll' erraran per necidade, | 7' | 7' b|
54 | punnaron de se guardaren que non fossen pecadores. | 7' | 7' A|
A que por mui gran fremosura éste chamada Fror das frores... | |||
Mettmann assigns this cantiga to his metrical category XIII in which every hemistich of both the refrain and the stanzas has 7' syllables (i.e. eight syllables with the final one unstressed). This clearly comes from a desire to match the refrain to the stanzas, since the latter essentially have 7' syllable hemistichs throughout, notwithstanding certain irregularities in the first stanza, which unfortunately are supported by the musical notation (more on this below).
The refrain as written in [E], however, clearly has hemistichs of 8' syllables (i.e. nine with the final one unstressed). In order to force it into the 7' model, Mettmann had to drop the word mui from the first hemistich, write é in the second even though this is corrected to éste in the manuscript, drop the second lle in the third, and finally assume synaeresis to compress loores to two syllables in the fourth (apparently, although he made no comment on this last point). Previously on this website—though admittedly after a lot of toing and froing—I accepted these changes, preferring above all to keep the musical structure of the refrain and the stanza exactly the same. However, that decision was based on not being aware of the é → éste correction, and also accepting perhaps too readily the synaeresis in loores, something José-Martinho Montero Santalha describes in A estrutura métrica de algumas das Cantigas de Santa Maria as 'a form so exceptional [as to be] inadmissible'. (Note that modern Portuguese has louvores which strengthens the original hiatus with a consonant.) Whilst it might be possible to work around this by dropping the d' of d' outras and marking synalepha (giving seu no•me que_ou•tras lo•o•res), I have, for now at least, decided that the safest option is to reinstate the manuscript version of the refrain lyrics, and to transcribe its music without modification.
The stanzas, however, still need a bit of work. Unfortunately, in the first stanza as it appears in the manuscript, the first hemistich of line 5 and both hemistichs of line 6 have 8' syllables, and the music is written to accommodate this. In order to fit the other twelve stanzas I have therefore accepted Mettmann's edition of line 6, which drops the word end' and changes daquesto to desto, and I have also removed the superfluous conjunction e from the start of line 5. See the Music tab for details of my corresponding minor modifications to the musical notation.
Line 5: | See the main footnote to this cantiga. |
Line 7: | Compare CSM 65:7 and the many instances of the alternative form crérig' (see the Concordance). |
Line 25: | It is rather hard to choose between synaeresis in viínna and elision of sempre to resolve the surplus syllable here; neither would be remarkable in a different context. I've chosen the synaeresis, though, if only because the scribe could easily have written sempr if that had been intended. |
E1: | The only flat written in [E] is the one at E4 after the folio break. Both Anglés and Elmes are of the opinion that it should be present throughout, however, and it is possible that the folio containing most of the staves escaped correction, accidentally. I have not added the flats to every stave (as that would not be in line with my general policy of minimal intervention to only fix unequivocal errors) but as a performer you can make your own choice. |
E2: | See the main note on the Lyrics tab for the background to the changes that I have made here and at E3 and E5. In this case, and at E3, the single plica .ood is intended to keep the rhythm of the .o + .e sequence that it replaces, but (of course) to accommodate just one syllable rather than two. |
E3: | See E2. |
E4: | See E1. |
E5: | See E2. Here I have matched the syllable count simply by copying the music for dizia in the preceding line. |
Manuscript references
External links marked are to facsimiles on Greg Lindahl's Cantigas de Santa Maria website.
[E] | 384 | view link |
Oxford CSM Database record
External link to poem data: CSM 384
Links to the Oxford database are provided with the kind permission of the project team. When planning a concert or recording, I would recommend that you use (and credit) my more pragmatic texts and supporting materials in the preparation of your performance, but that you request permission from the Oxford database team to reproduce (and credit) their own critically edited texts in your programme or liner notes, as these adhere to stricter criteria that keep them closer to the original sources, and undoubtedly have the greater academic authority.
Metrical summary
8' | 8' 8' | 8' |
7' | 7' 7' | 7' 7' | 7' 7' | 7' |
AA / bbbAR | I | II | III | IV | V | VI | VII | VIII | IX | X | XI | XII | XIII | |
A | oɾes | |||||||||||||
b | ado | i.a | oza | eʎa | igo | ente | ɛɾoŋ | indo | uɾas | iɲa | ento | ito | ade |
Estimated performance times
Average syllables / min. | Time | |
Very slow | 50 | 26:43 |
Slow | 100 | 13:21 |
Medium | 150 | 8:54 |
Fast | 200 | 6:40 |
Very fast | 250 | 5:20 |
These are very approximate total times for a full sung (or spoken) performance of all stanzas with all repeats of the refrain. Note that the speed is in average syllables per minute, and no particular mensural interpretation is assumed. More ornamented music will reduce the syllabic speed considerably. Remember also to add time for instrumental preludes, interludes and postludes.
Total syllables: 1336