Como dous monges que saíron da orden foron livres dos dïabos polo nome de Santa María que ementaron.
Line | Refrain | Metrics | |
1 | O nome da Virgen santa atán muit' é temoroso, | 7' | 7' A|
2 | que quand' o oe o démo pérde séu poder astroso. | 7' | 7' A|
Stanza I | |||
3 | E dest' avẽo en França un gran miragre provado, | 7' | 7' b|
4 | que mostrou Santa María, ond' haja ela bon grado; | 7' | 7' b|
5 | e porend' ontr' estes outros miragres será contado, | 7' | 7' b|
6 | porque sei que o terredes por bõo e por fremoso. | 7' | 7' A|
O nome da Virgen santa atán muit' é temoroso... | |||
Stanza II | |||
7 | Dous monges foi que saíron un día dun mõesteiro | 7' | 7' b|
8 | pora haveren conórte do grand' afán e marteiro | 7' | 7' b|
9 | que segund' ôrdin sofrían; e tod' un día enteiro | 7' | 7' b|
10 | andaron riba dun río, ca éra logar viçoso, | 7' | 7' A|
Cantigas de Santa Maria for Singers ©2013 by Andrew Casson | |||
Stanza III | |||
11 | dizendo paravlas loucas, maas e desordinnadas, | 7' | 7' b|
12 | e andavan-se jogand' a couces e a empeladas; | 7' | 7' b|
13 | e hóras e orações ja havían obridadas, | 7' | 7' b|
14 | e en serviço do démo cada un ér' aguçoso. | 7' | 7' A|
O nome da Virgen santa atán muit' é temoroso... | |||
Stanza IV | |||
15 | E eles assí andando, pelo río vĩir viron | 7' | 7' b|
16 | ũa barqueta pequena con hómes, e dentr' oíron | 7' | 7' b|
17 | que muit' entre si falavan; e pois tod' esto cousiron, | 7' | 7' b|
18 | preguntaron-lles: “Quen sodes?” Diss' un deles mui sannoso: | 7' | 7' A|
Stanza V | |||
19 | “Macar hómes semellamos, dïabos somos sen falla, | 7' | 7' b|
20 | que alma d' Ebrôn levamos, un alguazil, sen baralla.” | 7' | 7' b|
21 | Disséron entôn os monges: “Santa María nos valla | 7' | 7' b|
22 | e livre de vóssas mãos con séu Fillo grorïoso.” | 7' | 7' A|
O nome da Virgen santa atán muit' é temoroso... | |||
Cantigas de Santa Maria for Singers ©2013 by Andrew Casson | |||
Stanza VI | |||
23 | Os dïabos responderon: “Mestér vos foi que chamastes | 7' | 7' b|
24 | o nome da Virgen santa e que vós en el fïastes; | 7' | 7' b|
25 | ca se por esto non fosse, porque vós desemparastes | 7' | 7' b|
26 | o mõesteiro, conósco forades a tẽevroso | 7' | 7' A|
Stanza VII | |||
27 | logar, en que muitas cuitas sofren os que i entraron.” | 7' | 7' b|
28 | Quand' est' oíron os monges, mantenente se tornaron | 7' | 7' b|
29 | a séu mõesteir' e lógo mui ben se mãefestaron, | 7' | 7' b|
30 | e de Déus perdôn houvéron, que é Sennor pïadoso. | 7' | 7' A|
O nome da Virgen santa atán muit' é temoroso... | |||
E1: | In this line and the next there is one individual note or ligature too many for the syllable count. However, from comparison with the following phrase in each case, this is obviously the right place for the correction, as is E3 in the next line. Either .oso (as on provado) or .owo (on bon grado) would do fine as replacement shapes, but I've picked the former in each case. |
E2: | The start of this stave is a complete mess in the manuscript. What appears to have happened is that the music scribe accidentally skipped the second line of the stanza and started writing the music for the vuelta at this point, which accounts for the C-clef on the second stave line and the four lower-pitched elements .o + .o + .on + .owo. Having realized the mistake, the scribe then made a bodged attempt to correct it, trying to reuse the .on and .owo by crossing out the stem on the former and the first note of the latter, adding a clef lower down and writing in another virga .on after the first one, though it should have been a punctum .o, and then failing to add a virga stem to the remainder of the .owo. Why the unwanted bits were then just left there for posterity rather than scraped away cleanly is anybody's guess. |
E3: | See E1. |
Manuscript references
External links marked are to facsimiles on Greg Lindahl's Cantigas de Santa Maria website.
[E] | 254 | view link |
[F] | 6 |
Oxford CSM Database record
External link to poem data: CSM 254
Links to the Oxford database are provided with the kind permission of the project team. When planning a concert or recording, I would recommend that you use (and credit) my more pragmatic texts and supporting materials in the preparation of your performance, but that you request permission from the Oxford database team to reproduce (and credit) their own critically edited texts in your programme or liner notes, as these adhere to stricter criteria that keep them closer to the original sources, and undoubtedly have the greater academic authority.
Metrical summary
7' | 7' 7' | 7' |
7' | 7' 7' | 7' 7' | 7' 7' | 7' |
AA / bbbAR | I | II | III | IV | V | VI | VII | |
A | ozo | |||||||
b | ado | ei̯ɾo | adas | iɾoŋ | aʎa | astes | aɾoŋ |
Estimated performance times
Average syllables / min. | Time | |
Very slow | 50 | 14:04 |
Slow | 100 | 7:02 |
Medium | 150 | 4:41 |
Fast | 200 | 3:31 |
Very fast | 250 | 2:48 |
These are very approximate total times for a full sung (or spoken) performance of all stanzas with all repeats of the refrain. Note that the speed is in average syllables per minute, and no particular mensural interpretation is assumed. More ornamented music will reduce the syllabic speed considerably. Remember also to add time for instrumental preludes, interludes and postludes.
Total syllables: 704